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Crossing the River

Bright Cedar Coaching 

Shine with your full potential 

We believe in the power of congruence: when humans are in alignment with their core values and deepest nature, they experience a full expansion of their potential. 

Ready to cross the bridge of your "Being" and live the " Bright Cedar Coaching " adventure?

Ready to move forward in knowing all the parts of your identity, your values and to reconnect with your inner strengths ?

Ready to welcome your emotions and transform their needs into achievable goals?

" Bright Cedar Coaching " offers  a coaching approach based  on active listening as well as powerful questioning, in using: neuro-linguistic programming techniques, transactional analysis, hypnosis, Immunity to Change™ and SoulCollage®.

Our support allows to:

  • Connect to your identity, your values and beliefs.

  • Shed light on your internal resources.

  • Have  a clearer vision of the situation you want to change.

  • ​Achieve your goals by transforming your vision into a goal.

  • Reach your goal in a way that is consistent with the person you are.

The foundations of " Bright Cedar Coaching " are:


  • Benevolence 

  • Connection

  • Trust

  • Presence

  • Respect

Accueil: Bienvenue

Jocelyne SARKIS

ACC-ICF Certified Professional Coach

Life Coach - NLP Coach 

ma photo

Specialized in the analysis of human blood parameters, I have spent more than 20 years of career in this field. Meeting biologists, doctors, laboratory technicians... people, with their dreams, their wounds, their obstacles etc... During these years, my relational approach has grown. Analysis of Self replaced analysis of Blood.


My benevolent listening completed my professional meetings through personal discussions that my interlocutor felt the need or confidence to share.


This connection to the emotions of others and to mine, invited me to deploy them on various canvases, using colors as a silent and deep language.


Wishing me  to specialize in the accompaniment of the BEING, I formed myself in: conflict management, promotion of well-being and efficiency at work, human resources management as well as in palliative care accompaniment.


These trainings gave me more the desire to explore the "Self", which led me to specialize in Coaching Evolutif© (CreaCoach), then in neuro-linguistic programming (Coach in PNL-Insitut Coaching International Montréal) and to obtain my ACC accreditation from the ICF (International Coaching Federation). 

These experiences motivated me to turn my new passion into a full-time career.


I coach by connecting your body to your heart and your inner self.


Each coaching session ends with a specific objective  which comes from your deep being, your "soul" and not from your "ego". Your "soul" goal is one that aligns with your values, your true identity, and the meaning you hold to it.


For any questions about my support or to make an appointment, I invite you to contact me.

Centering and meditation techniques availables in French

You will find on the "connect"button, some centering and meditation exercises including various NLP techniques.

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"Genius, like the cedar of Lebanon, grows on the peaks, it grows and strengthens in the storm and not in the shallows."

Mariano Jose De Larra

Centering and meditation techniques availables in French


" Jocelyne coached me via NLP with her gentle, benevolent presence - Her guidance reconnected me to my internal resources. Concretely, I went back into action and I finished my TFE after a several months of being blocked. For me she is a golden life coach »

Mary H.

" It is all of her being and her soul that Jocelyne offers in accompaniment and it is a magical gift that I offered myself for my personal evolution »

Chris H.

"The support of Jocelyne with all her kindness, allowed me to reconnect to my core values, reconstruct myself step by step and bring together the multiple pieces of the puzzle that make up my entire humanity and reconnect me to my divine essence. It is a precious gift. Many thanks »

Mireille M.

"There is no doubt for me that Jocelyne is a dedicated person, who masters her art and has a unique presence/consciousness. Thank you for what you inspire Jocelyne, thank you for your support so much for me and to Synaps clients, your attention combined with your skills ensure a human and high impact guidance."

Martin V.

"Jocelyne has a rare ability ... a gift! And this gift is the gift of self. She shows such generosity in her coaching, as fluid as a wave, as immense as a mountain. You are a real blessing for your coachees, including myself. For all this, I say thank you, thank you a thousand times"

Roberto V.

"The NLP coaching with Jocelyne was gentle and artistic, just like her image. Through her listening and her benevolent presence she manages to bring out the best in me. 
I did not suspect such an approach via NLP: it is really his personality that sublimates his Coaching talents. Gratitude"

Sandrine M.

Crossing the River


Thank you for what you sent !

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