Why cedar?
The cedar is a sacred tree.
It symbolizes immortality.
An immortality that transcends time.
The past that has shaped what we have become.
The present that invites us, at every moment, to navigate the often turbulent seas of our emotions; in order to be able to name them, embrace them and finally take concrete action to meet their needs. Needs that, too often, we push back into the abyss of our inner ocean.
This sacred cedar confidently offers its robust framework to the winds. To those who look at him, he offers an immensely tender heart, animated by the gift of self.
To give oneself, to accompany the other to achieve.
Giving oneself through the offering of its soothing incense, letting out swirls of benevolence and gentleness. A frankincense whose aroma instills self-confidence and regulates energies.
In all its essence, this cedar gave itself to the Phoenician ships setting out to face the stormy seas, bringing back from distant lands a thousand and one treasures resulting from marvelous discoveries.
Bright Cedar Coaching is that cedar, that sturdy frame, that tender heart. He gives himself in his adapted and benevolent presence to accompany you, having faith that you are the wind that decides the destination; and that this wind possesses all the forces necessary for your mission. It will allow you discoveries that will reconnect you to your pure essence, to your internal forces, to your true identity.
Jocelyne Sarkis